Norway / Bergen – the 7 top walk

Bergen is surrounded by 7 ”fjell” or mountain tops and on the last Sunday in May every year there is an event where thousands of hikers walk them all.  The event was first arranged in 1948 and this year is the 61st time!

The hike is both a nature attraction as well as an experienced walk that gathers both young and old, experienced and novice walkers.

The hike

The 35 km long walk starts at Gravdal between 07:30 and 09:00 in the morning. The hikers walk via Lyderhorn, Damsgårdfjellet, Ulriken, Fløyfjellet , Brushytten and Rundemanen. Thereafter via Sandviksfjellet and back to the start.


Everyone who completes the hike will get a diploma and a “7-fjell badge” upon finish.

The “easier” alternative

Walking all the 7 mountains can be a challenge, especially if this is your first time. That is why they have made a shorter rout with 4 mountains instead of 7. But don’t make the mistake and think it’s easy nor that you won’t be able to see a wonderful view!

For more information go to the website (here) and watch the movie below to see the walkers in action.