Hello, dear readers! Christmas season is upon us, and this week we will present some Christmas photos from our region!

First off is the Christmas market inside Tivoli in Copenhagen. Aside from the usual attractions, the park now has Christmas lighting, decorations and over 50 stalls. Among the many delights are “Gløgg” or mulled wine and “Æbeskiver” – danish pancakes shaped like a sphere.

Tivoli2 Tivoli3 Tivoli4 Tivoli1

Several department stores in Scandinavia have special decorations for Christmas season. Among these, the most famous are Stockmann in Helsinki and NK in Stockholm. Both change the decorations for each year, and the locals are always looking forward to see when the year’s Christmas decorations are set up. Below is Stockmann’s, where the store has put a raised walkway for the children to get a good look. NK’s display has many moving figures and objects, and also uses the entire storefront to welcome the season.

Stockmann NK

Our workplace is receiving some touch up for Christmas as well. Even though we delayed quite a bit, we finally got out the decorations to get some proper Christmas atmosphere in the office!

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That concludes the update for this time. Do you have any decorations for Chirstmas at your workplace? Please write to us in the comments!

Merry Christmas!