Hello, and welcome to the first installment of the weekly theme updates. Starting from today, we will present you with an update with pictures from all our four primary countries relating to the weekly theme. As you know, this week’s theme is the colour “Red”. Here are the entries below:

The first is from Sandefjord, Norway. As you may know, May 17th is the Norwegian Constitution Day, and a national holiday. Most Norwegians celebrate this day by bringing out the Norwegian flag, dressing up in traditional folk costumes and marching in their local parade. A distinctive part of the parade is that it is mainly composed of school children, as seen in the photo above. After gathering at their school in the morning, they all march together to brass music, with flags in their hands. It is also a day of feasts, and many gather for 17th of May-parties. Kids are given sweets and ice cream, so they all look forward to this day. If you come to Norway on this day, it is impossible to miss the event – wherever you are in the country!

A speciality from Denmark is the red sausage, by some considered a national dish. The colour comes from dying the skin of the sausage in food colouring (carmine) and doesn’t affect the taste. Sausage is a popular fast food in Denmark, and can be found sold from roadside stalls and kiosks all around. It is also available for travellers stopping by Copenhagen airport at Steff’s place inside Terminal 3. Next time you’re visiting Copenhagen, why not have a try?

The cruises between Stockholm and Helsinki is very popular, and is operated by several companies. One of them is the Viking Line with their red logo running the entire length of their ships. Taking tourists across the Baltic Sea overnight, it combines transfer with a short but memorable cruise experience. Aboard the M/S Gabriella, you can find several bars and restaurants, as well as tax-free shopping, sauna/pool and a casino.

Photo: Carles Thomas

Above photo is from the Blue Hall inside the City Hall of Stockholm, famous for being the venue of the Nobel Dinners. It is in this grand hall that the laureates and dignitaries from all over the world gather every December. Despite being called the Blue Hall, the most prominent colour is that of the red brick walls. This year, Professor Shinya Yamanaka from Kyoto University is one of the esteemed guests, receiving the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery in stem cell research together with the British biologist John Gurdon.

That was the update for this week! Next week’s theme will be “Delicious”. We will be showing you what our staff like to eat or drink, as well as some Scandinavian specialities!

Photos: MIKI Staff